Why are people choosing UK holidays over trips abroad?

Tuesday 12th July, 2022 by Host & Stay

When trying to plan the perfect getaway it can be great to dream of the Maldives or the Bahamas, that is until people look at the price! We have experienced a lot of uncertainty the last few years, but one thing has stayed constant, the UK is a gorgeously overlooked holiday location. 

Here at Host and Stay we have started to see an influx of tourists and locals alike, deciding to ditch their plans to travel to hotter climates for a more homely experience. 

Why does this matter to you? The more UK Holidays means more people looking for your gorgeous holiday letting! 

We composed a list of some of the reasons as to why holiday makers are starting to migrate towards the great British landscape, rather than off jet-setting. 

Take a look below to see why your guests are keener than ever to fill your properties. 

Experiencing the Lay of the Land: 

There is truly, no better way to understand your country than by travelling around it. 

One of the main priorities of people looking to travel across the pond is wanting to find some sun, sea, and maybe a beach. People rush online to book their 14-day, roasting in the scorching sun all inclusive. The only problem is once they arrive, things are never exactly how they imagined it. We have all seen the horror stories of dirty bed sheets, cockroaches the size of dinner plates and the unbearable scorching heat! Even if they wanted to get out of the dingy hotel to explore the area, it’s probably too hot for them to walk. 

The UK not only solves that problem of walking in the unbearable heat but when they stay with you, they will find breathtaking landscapes to take in. Your guests will get to experience rich historical sites and learn about your area’s past. 

Your visitors are ditching the cramped hotels, and wanting to experience a home away from home. Hotels are starting to be a thing of the past whilst staying in the UK, many people opt to stay in private rentals for the weekend, which is perfect if you are looking to start your holiday let journey. 


Check out all the perks of starting your letting journey with us, here. 

Keeping the cost down: 

After paying for flights, accommodation, luggage allowance, parking, the list goes on and on, people are not really left with much money to thoroughly enjoy their holidays. They can budget and plan when going abroad but usually, that goes out the window once people start having fun, ultimately making their bank account suffer as soon as they step back onto British soil. 

Staying in your holiday home is a great option for those wanting to spend less money on travel and accommodation. It provides a way to actually spend money on the things important to the guest mainly, having FUN! 

Rather than tying themselves to an all-inclusive, which lets face it, doesn’t always have the best food, they can experience the top restaurants in your area, with the knowledge that their bank accounts aren’t suffering under the weight of all the other expenses.

Travellers also want to be able to travel round in the comfort of their own car, so we recommend having a parking spot outside your property or close by for your guests to use. 

We have region specific food guides on our blog page, detailing all the best affordable and fine-dining options that the North has to offer, check it out Hotspots here. If we have missed any of your local favourites that you would like to see advertised in your area, get in touch! We are more than happy to highlight local businesses.

Room for all the family!

This is a decision you will have to make when thinking about renting out your property, are the guests allowed to bring their furry friend? To many, this is one of the main reasons that travelling abroad is not a viable option, the idea of leaving their beloved pet behind is too much to bear. 

Of course, you can choose to not allow the little beasts in your home, if you so choose but remember this could be a money maker! Typically, pet owners are grateful to be allowed in a holiday rental, meaning there is almost no damage to your prized carpets! However, if you still feel uneasy about it, let our full cleaning service put your mind at ease. To find out more details about how we care for your property, click here. 

On the note of little messes, many people love the idea of staying in the UK due to their families. If people have a large amount or relatively new children, they are more likely to choose a stay-cation. Offering a large property with room for the whole family is the perfect way to cater for them. We recommend providing children’s beds and maybe leaving a few activities for your guests to do in the evenings, such as books or board games. 

Whatever the reason may be, people are definitely starting to choose holidays in the UK, which is perfect if you have a holiday home to let out! 

Wanting to find out more on getting started with your holiday let journey, check out our website  for information and top tips for being a Host.   


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